Rien Ne Va Plus - Suite Épisodique for classical ensemble was inspired by the miniseries pilot "Rien Ne Va Plus", written and directed by Barbara Glas and which explores the relationship of individuals to authority based on Milgram's experiment in the 1960s. This experiment was contested because it made many observers uncomfortable, suggesting that the "banality of evil" described by Hannah Arendt was indeed...banal. Released in 2023.
Available on: Complete list of platforms at HEARNOW (access only with VPN disabled).
A musical voyage in classical chamber music style into a world of supernatural creatures wishing desperately to reclaim shreds of their humanity, even if only for the time of a card game. From the film "Songs of the Day After", directed by Barbara Glas. Released in 2019.
Available on: Complete list of platforms at HEARNOW (access only with VPN disabled).
Rien Ne Va Plus - Suite Épisodique for classical ensemble was inspired by the miniseries pilot "Rien Ne Va Plus", written and directed by Barbara Glas and which explores the relationship of individuals to authority based on Milgram's experiment in the 1960s. This experiment was contested because it made many observers uncomfortable, suggesting that the "banality of evil" described by Hannah Arendt was indeed...banal. Released in 2023.
Available on: Complete list of platforms at HEARNOW (access only with VPN disabled).
A musical voyage in classical chamber music style into a world of supernatural creatures wishing desperately to reclaim shreds of their humanity, even if only for the time of a card game. From the film "Songs of the Day After", directed by Barbara Glas. Released in 2019.
Available on: Complete list of platforms at HEARNOW (access only with VPN disabled).
© 2024 Alex Freeman